Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Web 2 point Oh my god please shut up!

Web 2.0. Are you kidding me?!??! Why are we versioning the web anyway? (Thanks superbiff). Web 2.0 is just another useless, this makes me sound cool, now chicks will dig me buzzword. Who ever coined it, please go away now. You have out stayed your usefulness. 

Having been a corporate animal most of my professional life, I have heard a ton of them. TQM, Think outside the box, synergy, leverage, paradigm, paradigm shift, Next Generation (NextGen if you're REALLY cool), viral, new media, honest work (okay I made that one up)... anyway you get the idea. The point here is that none of these has ever had a shelf life of more than an internal review cycle (Why did I just say that?!?!). They don't last becasue they have no legitimate value. These terms are really nothing more than a euphemism for "hey the way we have been doing things has been a total train wreck so lets call it something different, create some brand new powerpoint slides to show the process and pretend the last 18 months never happened". I dunno, I think I'd rather just handle that situation with a good old fashioned "blamestorming" session.

To tech or not to tech?

As I get older and we are besieged by more and more technology, I find myself less motivated to be bleeding edge. I have made my living for 25 plus years and an integrator/developer/user of the latest and greatest technology. I was one of the people who giggled like a school girl when Steve Jobs announced the almighty iPhone at Mac World 2007. I went to the Apple WWDC 2007 JUST to get an advance copy of OS X Leopard. These are just 2 recent examples of a long history of geekery. This year has been a little different. While I am still an avid technology user (this blog is a testament to that), I find that I no longer get that tech high when a new widget comes out. Maybe I have reached the saturation point. Maybe I just don't feel compelled to integrate yet another device or piece of technology into my "digital life". It just seems that every day there is some new technology that never existed and we cannot possibly live without. These days I seem to take more pleasure being out on my motorcycle or finding red tires (yes red) for my bicycle. Well, I did just get a DVR. Maybe Im full of shit. I wonder if I'll actually keep this thing up to date?