Okay, I got up this am and could not put any weight on my foot. I went to the emergency room and had it looked at. The diagnosis was an over extension of the anterior ankle ligament (sprained or wrenched ankle) with a possible hairline fracture at the bottom of my tibia. I have attached the x-rays if you care to make your own diagnosis. They gave me an air cast and crutches to use until it stops hurting. The treatment is to keep it elevated when I'm sitting and put weight on it as much as I can stand. I was prescribed Percoset but I doubt I'll fill it. The more intense pain is gone now. This is good news as I will not need to be in a cast for the wedding on Sunday. And before you say it.... Yes I should have gone to the Doctor 2 days ago.

Wow, what sexy feet, err bones.. or something
i hope you get better real quick! and i'm so glad the puppy dog is ok.
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