Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Episode III - Revenge of the splint.

The verdict is in. Broken jackass, broken... For those of you keeping track, the wedding was Sunday and it was a blast. I limped and favored my foot all day but apart from having to sit down half way through the ceremony, things went just fine. Thanks to Kurt, Greg, Steve, Les and of course Chris for all the assistance during the day. We got home around 10:30 PM and collapsed into bed. Before I fell asleep, I did notice that I had a voicemail. I listened and it was from the hospital stating that they needed to discuss my xrays. First thing Monday, I called and they verified that my ankle was indeed broken and that I needed to see an orthopedist ASAP. I STILL don't see the break in the xrays but, I'm not a doctor. So, today I went to see the ortho and he was great. Very nice man with a good bedside manner. The first thing he asked was... "Does that hurt?", pointing at the air splint that the hospital had provided. I said well, yeah it does. A lot actually. He said well, that's because it's not really the best solution for an injury of this type and he promptly removed it. As he was removing it, he told me that the device was revolutionary in sports medicine but just not the right choice in this case. Anyway, he wanted to get new xrays just to confirm the diagnosis. 4 photos and about 30 minutes later I was being fitted for an ankle brace and a stability boot. He told me that what had happened was that when my foot rolled over, the tendon was stronger than the bone and a piece of bone actually pulled away from my ankle. OUCH. On the drive home, the pain in my ankle was as bad as anything I have ever experienced but I assume that was just due to the fact that the Dr was manipulating it and checking range of motion. Now that I am home and had a chance to put it up, it feels MUCH better. The Vicodin helps too. I need to wear this contraption for 3 - 5 weeks and I should be back to normal.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ow... my tibia! (Dumbass part 2)

Okay, I got up this am and could not put any weight on my foot. I went to the emergency room and had it looked at. The diagnosis was an over extension of the anterior ankle ligament (sprained or wrenched ankle) with a possible hairline fracture at the bottom of my tibia. I have attached the x-rays if you care to make your own diagnosis. They gave me an air cast and crutches to use until it stops hurting. The treatment is to keep it elevated when I'm sitting and put weight on it as much as I can stand. I was prescribed Percoset but I doubt I'll fill it. The more intense pain is gone now. This is good news as I will not need to be in a cast for the wedding on Sunday. And before you say it.... Yes I should have gone to the Doctor 2 days ago.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm Dumbass material, all the way!

So, it' 4 am and I'm trying to get out of the house to make the train for a meeting in Manhattan at 9. I had the foresight to lay out all my reservation paperwork and pack the night before. All I had to do was shower, dress, grab my bags and drive to the station. I even had my bags at top of the stairs, ready to go. Clearly, I am an experienced traveler. I made a point to bring extra comfy shoes as I was sure to be walking a lot in the city. Just as I was about to execute my perfect plan of grabbing my bags and heading out the door, our little dog Roxy showed up to see me off. I paused for a moment to pat her on the head and say good bye. After that, she padded off to crawl back into bed. She's not used to being up that early. With that I picked up my bags and and headed down the stairs. I looked down and OOOPS, holy crap, there was Roxy and I was about to step right on her. Startled, I tried to avoid her, lost my balance and missed the step. I tried to recover but ended up landing on the side of my foot and wrenching it sideways. A moment later, I find myself on the floor nauseated, dazed, in a cold sweat and my foot in searing pain. I pulled my self up and tried to stand by grabbing the banister. My my foot felt like it was on fire but I tried a few steps to see if it could support my weight and it did. I figured I'd just walk it off and that would be that. 

So I made my train and did my best to keep my foot elevated but the pain just intensified with each passing mile. I try to convince myself that it wasn't broken and I'd just ride it out. Upon arrival in NYC, I hobbled to the Duane Reade next to Penn Station and bought an Ace Bandage and a bottle of Motrin. Surely this would cure all that ailed me. Anyway, I made my way to my first meeting Downtown and promptly took off my shoe and applied the bandage. It did help to immobilize it but it still hurt like hell. The people I was there to meet could not have been more accommodating but I still felt like a rube for being the guy who disrupts everything with something like taking his shoes off in the board room. Yes, the comfy shoes for walking. This was not the first time I came off looking like a doofus during a trip to Manhattan. Who could forget the time left my brand new laptop in the cab. A classic. After my meetings were done. it actually felt better but once I walked out of the building and found a cab, it was screaming again. By the time I got to the hotel, I felt exhausted and went to bed.

So, it's the next day, the bruises are in full bloom and I'm still not sure if it's broken. It still hurts but not nearly as bad as yesterday. If the swelling has not improved by tomorrow, I'll go get it X-rayed. I really hope it's not broken. I am in a very dear friends wedding on Sunday and I'd hate to be in a cast. Oh well. I'm the dumbass who put the bags at the top of the stairs. Enjoy the photos. 

By the way... I don't blame the dog.